Tsunado Central

The TSUNADO Central is our centralised system that manages the network of TSUNADO Servers. This interface manages the uptime and availability of all the TSUNADO Servers, and ensures that all systems are available to deliver an emergency alert if required.

TSUNADO Central provides a secure interface for authorised Emergency Managers to configure and activate Emergency Alerts. The configuration is in the form of Scenarios that are created in advance for each of the types of emergency considered. At the time of an emergency a Scenario is chosen that bnest suits the situation, and then adapted with dates and locations. This speeds the process of Alert delivery considerably.

TSUNADO Central delivers the Alerts to the various Broadcast Partners and associated systems (Internet Radio, Facebook, Twitter, SMS and Email) via a set of TSUNADO Broadcast Servers. The Broadcast Server receives and buffers Alerts while they are being delivered via the relevant mechanism. Connections are secure and ensure that Alerts cannot be compromised.

The TSUNADO Central system is designed to be redundant with two or more installations ensuring near 100% uptime.




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